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Lightweight Electric Folding Wheelchairs

EeZeeGo-QC2 XL Lightweight Folding Electric Wheelchair


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Portable lightweight folding electric wheelchairs

The EeZeeGo range of lightweight electric wheelchairs has been specially designed with comfort and convenience in mind. All wheelchairs and powerchairs in the range fold with ease to a small size that allows the wheelchair to fit into the boot of most cars and can be taken on trains and planes.
Included in the range also have manual folding electric wheelchairs which are easy to open and close thanks to the lightweight frame and we also have automatic folding electric wheelchairs which fold and unfold in seconds at the simple click of a button.

Exceptional battery life

Electric wheelchairs in the EeZeeGo range can travel exceptional distances on one charge (up to 20 miles with some models) giving you peace of mind when you enjoy a day out. The lithium batteries are powerful yet lightweight and have battery indicators to let you know when it is low on charge.
Batteries are quick to charge, reaching a full charge in just a few hours from the mains supply in your home. Additional battery packs can be purchased for some models which are great as a spare or to take on holiday.

The lightest folding electric wheelchairs

EeZeeGo folding electric wheelchairs are extremely lightweight, weighing between 17kg and 26kg, making them easy to lift into the boot of a car. This is thanks to the latest technology in Carbon Fibre or alloy frames which makes them light yet incredibly strong.
To assist with transportation, we sell separately a travel bag which the wheelchair folds down into making it easy to wheel along behind you, much like a shopping trolly.

Strong and versatile

The wheelchairs are made from lightweight yet extremely strong high-quality alloy with some models such as the EeZeeGo-QC2 XL, safely transporting up to 28.4 stone. All lightweight electric wheelchairs in the range are comfortable and provide a smooth ride, even on rough terrains such as gravel and grass. The frame is sturdy and padded with soft yet firm cushions designed to provide support and comfort.

Precision control manoeuvring indoors and outdoors

EeZeeGo lightweight electric wheelchairs or powerchairs are controlled with a joystick which can be located on either armrest or can be remotely controlled by a carer or family member, giving you the freedom of independence over traditional manual wheelchairs.
Unlike mobility scooters, electric wheelchairs can be used both indoors and outdoors. The joystick controller allows the wheelchair to be moved with precision around difficult obstacles and are usually allowed into high street stores, restaurants, cinemas and cafes.

Video & home demos on all lightweight folding electric wheelchairs

We pride ourselves on excellent customer support, helping you long after the original purchase is made.
Speak to us today to arrange a video or home demonstration with no obligation to buy - we supply wheelchairs across the UK. Call us on 07488 398886 or 07786 243675, alternatively fill in the form below and we will get back to you shortly.